Poland SAF-T (JPK_K) delay 1 Oct 2020
- May 19, 2020 | Richard Asquith

The Polish Ministry of Finance is considering a further delay to the introduction of the new version of SAF-T (JPK_K 7) reporting regime, designed to replace the regular VAT return. This time to 1 October 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The new plan would include a phased introduction of the new Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) schema
The new framework has been delayed several times this year, the last one to 1 July 2020. The latest Ministry Finance announcemment is moving it to 1 October 2020.
The Polish SAF-T (JPK_VAT) is being extended to including the VAT register plus VAT credit details. SAF-T reporting was made mandatory for all businesses with a Polish VAT registration at the start of 2018. The reporting standard was developed by the OECD in 2005, and has been adopted by nine EU countries. It is designed to enable to the consistent and efficient electronic exchange of tax transaction data between companies and the tax authorities.
This latest delay would be to recognise the severe distortion to businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The new VAT rate matrix, which reorganises item classification of goods entitled to reduced VAT rates in accordance with international managed tariff code classifications.
In addition, the imposition of online VAT cash registers may be postponed from 30 June 2020 to 1 October 2020.