
Anti-Slavery Disclosure Statement

Version 1.0


Table of Contents

Avalara, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, Avalara) are committed to complying with Section 54 of the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and to conducting its business in accordance with applicable laws and at the highest ethical standards.
Avalara, Inc. publishes this Anti‐Slavery Disclosure Statement on its website on behalf of itself and its affiliates. The statement is issued for the Avalara, Inc. fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. Although subject to review annually, the statement will also apply to subsequent fiscal years unless and until withdrawn, superseded, or modified by Avalara, Inc.
About Avalara
Avalara provides software solutions that help businesses of all types and sizes comply with tax requirements for transactions worldwide. Avalara offers a broad and growing suite of compliance solutions for transaction taxes, such as sales and use tax, value‐added tax (VAT), fuel excise tax, beverage alcohol, cross‐border taxes (including tariffs and duties), lodging tax, e‐invoicing, and communications tax. These solutions enable customers to automate the process of determining taxability, identifying applicable tax rates, determining and collecting taxes, preparing and filing returns, remitting taxes, maintaining tax records, and managing compliance documents. Avalara, Inc., a Washington corporation, is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has wholly owned subsidiaries in Brazil, Canada, Europe, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Avalara’s customers include companies of all sizes in industries of all types throughout the world.
Corporate Values and Training
Avalara is committed to ensuring our operations and supply chains are free of human trafficking and slavery. We require any individual or entity acting on our behalf to know, understand, and abide by the laws and regulations applicable to their conduct. This includes employees, agents, partners, and other third‐party representatives. Our Anti‐Slavery Disclosure Statement sets out the steps taken by Avalara to address the requirements set out in the Act in its business and supply chains.
Avalara’s success depends not only on our technical innovations but also on our employees acting ethically. We are committed to complying with the applicable laws, regulations, and rules and to creating a fair and transparent working environment within our business. Avalara, Inc.’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Risks
Avalara believes that the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking practices within its business are very low. Avalara’s business is not built upon the type of low skilled labor most vulnerable to such exploitation. As a technology company specializing in transaction tax compliance automation, Avalara’s employees comprise highly skilled software engineers, information technology professionals, product management professionals, tax experts, sales and account management personnel, and various in‐house shared services professionals including human resources, legal, and finance.
Avalara also believes that the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking violations within its supply chain are very low. Although our vendors operate independently and in different industries, we recognize our role in the supply chain and appreciate that their actions can impact our reputation. As such, we strive to select suppliers that share our values and demonstrate a commitment to the highest professional standards and ethical conduct in their business dealings. The nature of our business is such that our material supply chain consists primarily of software subscriptions, technology service providers, professional services, and office supply vendors. Our office services suppliers include, for example, delivery services, catering, cleaning services, copiers, telephones, other office equipment, office furniture and fixtures, office supplies, and related goods. Avalara does not contract with suppliers in industries where the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking are relatively high. Consequently, we consider our supply chain to be low risk with regards to such relationships and “modern slavery” and do not consider any further action to be necessary to mitigate the risk of “modern slavery” in the supply chain.
We have not identified any areas requiring action with regard to such relationships beyond our regular procurement due diligence processes, and we are committed to taking all appropriate steps to mitigate the risk of slavery or human trafficking taking place in our supply chain. We periodically review our vendor management procedures with a view to further reinforcing this commitment.
Policy, Detection, and Deterrence
Avalara instructs its employees engaged in vendor procurement and vendor management to promote compliance with Avalara, Inc.’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Employees are instructed to take various actions as appropriate toward this end, including, for example, due diligence on prospective and current vendors, insertion of legal compliance clauses in vendor contracts, and ongoing monitoring of performance under such clauses.
Avalara will not knowingly do business with a prospective or current supplier that engages in modern slavery or human trafficking practices.
The Board of Directors of Avalara, Inc. has approved and issued the foregoing statement as of February 9, 2023, and has instructed that it be posted on Avalara, Inc.’s website.