Benelux 2021: Ecommerce Region Report

The Benelux 2021: Ecommerce Region Report looks in-depth at the current ecommerce landscape in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - including how each market has been impacted by Brexit.

The Benelux countries are core, stable members of the European Union and the Single Market and are all popular choices for those wishing to expand in Europe. With Amazon’s European HQ in Luxembourg – thanks to its advantageous tax regime – and a populace entirely comfortable with online shopping, it’s a great place to do business for an ecommerce retailer.

The Benelux 2021: Ecommerce Region Report looks in-depth at the current ecommerce landscape in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - including how each market has been impacted by Brexit.

The Benelux countries are core, stable members of the European Union and the Single Market and are all popular choices for those wishing to expand in Europe.

With Amazon’s European HQ in Luxembourg – thanks to its advantageous tax regime – and a populace entirely comfortable with online shopping, it’s a great place to do business for an ecommerce retailer. 

The Netherlands is still central to world trade, with the Port of Rotterdam the largest seaport in Europe and the world's largest seaport outside of East Asia. Its exports are strong and its trade relations are robust. Belgium’s economic forecast is encouraging, with promised business investment and labour reforms in the offing.

On a practical level, the report will arm retailers that want to sell in Benelux with the information they need to get started. We also explore why Benelux as a whole may, at least in the longer term, benefit from Brexit.

Read the report to understand:

Market context: B2C online retail in Benelux

Analysis of the markets in Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands

Payments, marketplaces and language of ecommerce

Partner perspectives and expert insight

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