2021 U.S. Sales Tax Changes Report: Midyear Update

A tax compliance guide for business selling in the U.S.

Every business needs to be ready for whatever the world throws at us next, be it microscopic virus, enormous container ship, or unexpected tax policy.

The 2021 U.S. Sales Tax Changes: Midyear Update is your guide to navigating the complicated world of U.S. tax compliance and preparing for the future.

As local and state governments move forward and businesses begin to reopen after last year’s COVID-19 outbreak, it’s more important than ever to stay informed about legislative changes and emerging trends.

What you’ll find in the report:

Tax exemption considerations by state.

Information on new tax obligations for digital products and advertising.

Details about liability resulting from increased marketplace sales.

Changes to sales tax sourcing rules​.

Effects on the international market and changes to cross-border ecommerce compliance​.

Sales tax changes for the first half of the year and resources to stay up to date for the rest of 2021​.

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