Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) for Beverage Alcohol


60 minutes

Everything wineries, breweries, distilleries, and retailers need to know in order to participate
Effective January 1, 2021, wineries, breweries, and distilleries are eligible for the Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) initiative for the very first time. SST is a program that allows for simplified compliance in 24 states with sales tax regulations, and is a cost-effective way to comply with sales tax laws. This includes covering the cost of using tax automation services by participating states. Avalara is a Certified Service Provider (CSP) for SST and is fully capable of supporting wineries, breweries, and distilleries that want to participate in SST. Come to an informative webinar to learn about SST and the benefits of participation.
Hear industry experts Jeff Carroll, (General Manager, Avalara for Beverage Alcohol) and Emil Ashford (SST Senior Compliance Manager, Avalara) walk through all things SST.
- Introduction to SST
- Benefits of being an SST volunteer seller
- What’s new for alcohol sellers? (wineries, distilleries, breweries, and retailers qualify to be SST volunteers sellers as of January 1)
- Requirements for SST

Jeff Carroll
General Manager, Avalara for Beverage Alcohol
Jeff is General Manager of Avalara for Beverage Alcohol (formerly Compli). As Chief Product Officer at Compli, he oversaw the development of software solutions, sales and marketing, business development, and compliance research. Prior to Compli, Jeff was VP of Compliance and Product at ShipCompliant. He regularly speaks about and advises customers on beverage alcohol compliance issues, particularly in the areas of direct shipping and sales tax.

Emil Ashford
SST Senior Compliance Manager, Avalara
Emil Ashford is the SST Senior Compliance Manager at Avalara. For nine years, Emil has been responsible for managing customer-facing SST compliance needs. His duties include supervising SST audit requests, assisting with SST implementation, and leading internal and external knowledge and leaning initiatives. Emil has over 15 years of business compliance experience.