When: On-demand
Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: Nothing

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Not paying communications taxes? Why you might be liable.


Not paying communications taxes? Why you might be liable.

When: On-demand
Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: Nothing

Avalara may contact me about Avalara products and news. I understand I can change my preferences at any time per Avalara’s Privacy Policy

Communications taxes can be complicated. In an industry that keeps evolving, tax laws are constantly changing to keep up. Now everything from SaaS platforms to streaming services are subject to communications taxes. 

Join this webinar to learn who is affected, how communications taxes work, and how Avalara can help.

You’ll learn:

  • Which industries might be subject to communications taxes such as, VoIP & UCaaS, Wireline & Wireless, Managed Services Providers, Hosting, Connectivity & Cloud, Collaboration, Streaming, IoT, and SaaS
  • What are the different types of communications taxes?
  • What risks are involved?

Questions? Please contact Kaitlin at customerevents@avalara.com.