When: On demand

DURATION: 60 minutes

COST: Nothing

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Fueling for recovery: How convenience stores can maximize growth during slowdowns



Fueling for recovery: How convenience stores can maximize growth during slowdowns

When: On demand

DURATION: 60 minutes

COST: Nothing

Avalara may contact me about Avalara products and news. I understand I can change my preferences at any time per Avalara’s Privacy Policy

Opening and operating a convenience store is no easy task — especially when it comes to business licenses, permits, and tax obligations. Licensing requirements and tax regulations vary from state to state and city to city. For instance, frozen pizza requires a different license than hot slices and live bait requires a different license than prepackaged. Don’t even get us started on over-the-counter medication, alcoholic beverages, lottery tickets, and tobacco and vape products. We know it’s not easy, but we’re here to help break it all down.

This webinar covers:

  • How convenience stores have been impacted by the pandemic
  • How to navigate business licenses
  • How convenience stores can manage compliance with tips, tricks, and tools

The rules, regulations, and complications that haunt convenience store openings and product line expansions can feel overwhelming. But don’t let that paralyze you from pursuing success. 

Please contact Kaitlin at customerevents@avalara.com with any questions.