Texas tax amnesty starts May 1
- Feb 2, 2018 | Gail Cole
Updated 4.16.2018
This spring, Texas is providing a limited-time opportunity for delinquent taxpayers who step forward and pay their outstanding taxes. The Texas Comptroller will waive applicable penalties and interest during the upcoming tax amnesty program, which runs from May 1 to June 29, 2018. The program is open to qualifying taxpayers with tax liability for periods prior to Jan. 1, 2018.
Tax amnesty encourages voluntary reporting by delinquent taxpayers who have a sales and use tax permit but have underreported taxes, or owe additional taxes or fees. It’s also open to taxpayers who make sales in Texas but don’t have a Texas sales and use tax permit, and to those who haven’t registered for a tax or fee that they owe.
According to Comptroller Glenn Hegar, “Our tax amnesty program is the perfect opportunity for taxpayers to get in compliance. Maybe you forgot to get a sales tax permit or inadvertently underreported taxes owed. If you qualify, there are no excuses necessary. You can participate in the coming tax amnesty program and make things right with the state of Texas and with your fellow taxpayers.”
There are some limitations. The program doesn’t apply to periods currently under audit review. It doesn’t apply to IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) taxes, PUC (Public Utility Commission) gross receipts assessments, local motor vehicle tax, or unclaimed property payments. Additional details are available from the Texas Comptroller.
While tax amnesty programs are a stroke of luck for some delinquent taxpayers, the better course is to avoid the need for them. Tax automation software simplifies sales and use tax management for businesses of all sizes in all states, increasing compliance and obliterating the need for tax amnesty. Learn more.
photo credit: TSLAC Represents Texas at the National Book Festival (Washington DC) 9.21.13 via photopin (license)